Spain's Prettiest town: Arcos
de la Frontera by Paul Herman
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Deep in the south of Spain's
southernmost province, Cadiz, hidden in the Gatidano mountain range, is
Arcos de la Frontera the prettiest town in Spain. Although the old walled
town of Arcos only holds 4000 people & is lost in a valley hidden in
the mountains, its place in Spanish history is important because of the
town's strategic placement in Catholic Spain's long struggle against the
Moorish kingdom. Boabdil, the last Moorish king, finally fell in 1492,
the same year Columbus sailed west for India. At Cadiz's tip, near Arcos
de la Frontera, Africa looms large across a bit of water that seems a mere
swim away.
Arcos is built atop a sharp
promontory with cliffs to either side in the middle of a wide valley surrounded
by distant mountains. The only approaches to the town are at either end
of its long, thin length & they are protected by heavy gates. One begins
to see how its sheer impregnability made it an important stronghold in
the constant battles against the Moors & some of the churches still
display the 'infidel's' banners won in battle.
coat of arms includes the legend: "King Brigo founded Arcos and Alfonso
the Wise recovered it from the Moors" King Brigo being Noah's grandson
& Alfonso the Wise the thirteenth century king that captured &
held it against the Moors. The bit about it being founded around the time
of the great biblical flood is surely legend but Arcos does, never-the-less,
offer evidence of an ancient history. Beginning with evidence from pre-historic
Iberia including skeletons, artefacts & cave paintings dating back
as far as 150,000 years. Some of the caves in the cliffs of Arcos of unknown
ancient inhabitants are still lived in today.
Later the Romans occupied
the town for six hundred years until 400 AD one of their more durable examples
being the bridge at Ronda also near Arcos. Outside of Seville, in the town
of Santinponce, is Italica, the largest city of ancient Rome after Rome
itself & includes a 25,000 seat Amphitheatre.
After the Romans came the
Visigoths for 300 years until 711 AD. Then the Moors for a further 500
years until 1264 AD. Architecture from each culture is still mixed with
even later styles like the Spanish Baroque throughout the buildings of
the town. Which despite its diminutive size hold seven churches two of
which are Cathedrals! Santa Maria & San Pedro enjoyed an enmity based
on their rivalry as most important Cathedral that lasted centuries. In
the fifteenth century a bishop made the trip from Arcos to Rome on a donkey
to ask for Papal dispensation on the matter of which had seniority. It
was more than four years before he returned with the gift the Pope made
him of a carved baby Christ (on view today) but no final decision.
As the feud grew each church
tried to show its importance in whatever way it could like being the first
to ring the bells upon the hour, which competition quickly led to very
poor time-keeping! Finally in 1775 the Vatican made the decision the older
of the two, Santa Maria, built between the fifteenth & eighteenth centuries,
was the senior Cathedral.
A rich history, beauty of
a kind that can only grow, evolve, over centuries & can never be designed.
The gorgeous country-side that surrounds it including valley, forest &
mountain for horse-back riding or trekking. Easy access to Andalucia's
most important cities: Seville, Jerez de la Frontera, Malaga, a short distance
(2 hours) from Tangiers in Morocco & an hour from Gibraltar or Cadiz,
Europe's oldest town- Arcos de la Frontera is still a largely undiscovered
jewel & definitely worth a visit.
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